Sunday, May 21, 2006

The work place

When the Mexican people began to work at Tyson foods about 10 years ago I wanted to get to know them.
I was curious about how they live in Mexico, I knew that I couldn't start asking them questions about their lives because they would have shut down on me.
I starting setting with 3 young women who were about 23 years old and trying to visit, as a way to bridge our culture gap I ask them for recipts of mexican foods. They took to this assignment with gusto, trying to educate the old gringo, one day we were talking about the foods that they ate as children.
Sochee told me how her mother made the flat bread that her family ate, Vilma explained how they ground their corn with a rock bowl and had a round rock to push the corn back and forth until it was meal.
Then Norma told me she grew up in an a foster home in Mexico. She said I was so hungry that we killed rats and cooked them. Everyone was silent and then Norma said but I don't eats rats now.
I said I am very glad you don't have to eats rats any more. For once I had learned all I wanted to know for awhile. Posted by Picasa


Sigruns German Garden said...

Hi Patsy, I am from West-Germany. You have asked for.


Galla Creek said...

I would love to have one
of those rock grinding bowls
if you can get one for me.
Wouldn't it be neat?

The maize grown had a different
makeup from our corn. The Indians
planted maize, and other vegetables
together in the row. They complimented each other and what one took from the soil the other put back. The soil was never ruined as it is today.

We are so smart we are stupid.

Unknown said...

More wonderful stories as usual. I just adore your blog