Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Blue egg chickens

What are the major differences between Ameraucana and Araucana chickens and easter eggers?
Pictured is a Ameraucana chicken. They lay blue eggs and have slate colored legs muffs and red ear lobs also have tail feathers. Many different colors.
The Araucan chickens These fowls were discovered in South America. A few were brought to the U.S. but have been crossed with other chickens so much so that characteristics of size, shape, etc., were dispersed. The trait of laying blue or greenish eggs persisted and now breeders are attempting to standardize the physical makeup of the population and gain them recognition as a breed. Some of the Araucanas were rumpless and possessed some interesting ear tufts. Probably at some time in the future, these fowls will be developed into an interesting breed with both economic and ornamental attributes
Easter egg chickens come in all colors and lay blue eggs , green eggs and some pink eggs.


Annie said...

Patsy, how do chickens get along with cats? I've never thought to ask that question before.

I think these blue-legged chickens are very nice looking ones. Thanks for the information about them.

Anonymous said...

Are these chickens big or little?

Annie said...

I suspected that cats and chickens didn't get along well but then I wondered since they've all lived together in barnyards for centuries.

Tina Leigh said...

Patsy all my chickens died or should I say KILLED this year. Anyway I'm gonna have to start all over this spring. I dont need but 3 maybe 4 at the most. I just want eggs. The buffs I had wouldnt lay if I dint give them the laying mash. They were expensive! What do you reccomend. Should I start all over with bitties again or go to a sale & get layers & what kind......got any advice? I dont want to have to give them mash ALLLLLL the time either.

Tina Leigh said...

Oh & I was gonna say....my grandma had the neatest kinds of chickens when I was a kid. She had all kinds & they laid all colors of eggs. These chickens you are showing are so pretty too.