Saturday, December 15, 2007

happy holidays

After the post about Christmas being a no no. I think I may have upset Anne in Little rock so I am going to post a Holiday photo.
The bible says there is a time and a season and I knew when that stupid chicken was trying to set it was a mistake but I sat her any way and now she is paying the price. She is hovering over her babies trying to keep them warm. I feel sorry for her but it is my fault , I knew better and she didn't!
I am not going to do that again.
Hello Annie I hope you are not mad at me , I just spouted off about Christmas.


Annie said...

Patsy, I know you are right about many people getting trapped in the crraziness of Christmas and others having nothing to give and nowhere to go. I think what I was trying to express that if Christmas is in ones heart, then the little things are what make the day, what CAN make the day special. Giving a pretty leaf to someone, or a hug or a smile - that could make the day one that honors the whole idea of birth and rebirth.

This holiday was indeed formerly a pagan holiday celebrating the lengthening of the sunshine = rebirth. And that is certainly something to celebrate along with celebration of the birth of Jesus.

I love hearing your ideas and I'm so glad you put them out there.

Galla Creek said...

You are the God of your chickens...protect them please. Two big dogs came to my pen while I was at the grocery store. They were pulling at the wire and had chased my poor little Feist into the forest where he huddled hidden....but Larry went out there with a 410 and they moved on down the road. We are the Lord of our mansion!