Friday, December 07, 2007

I remember Pearl Harbor

I remember when pearl harbor was bombed by the Japanese. We were living at carrollton on the farm when word came by a neighbor of this great tragedy.
We didn't have a radio, or newspapers so our news came by word of mouth.
I remember daddy, moma, Richard and my self walking to the carrollton store to listen to the radio.
I remember the wood stove with chairs, nail kags and what ever that could be drawn up in a circle around the heating stove where a crowd had gathered and the voice coming out of the black box. there was a unnatural hush in the room as they listened to the voice.
daddy had joined the circle and mother was standing in huddle of frightened women.
I knew something very important was happening but I could not comprehend what it could be..
The men later talked among them selves about a pearl harbor, and the "japs."
I reasoned that a pearl was a round white shining marble but what is a harbor?
and what is a jap. I could tell by the peoples tone what every it was it was bad.
Dec. 7, 1941 changed our lives forever. I was 3 years and 7 months old that day.
Daddy went to war in 1943 and we moved to Denver AR. living across the garden from mother's parents.
Today the Japanese are our allies and always spoken of with respect but in that time they were called JAPS and the public hated and despise the very word.
In my twilight years I look back on that day and remember the voice of Franklin Roosevelt saying this day will live in infamy.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Were you scared that day?