Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Pea's corner

It is 54 degrees here at 8 am but if you feel sorry about the cool north west wind take a look at pea's world in Canada.
I don't know how people live where there is so much snow. click on pea's corner and take a look at what winter really is like.
Maybe pea is for global warming!


Carole Burant said...

Lol I knew some of you would be amazed at the amount of snow we've had already. Welcome to Northern Ontario:-) When they snowplow a parking lot like this, a truck will then come along and get all this snow hauled off. Love the pictures of your great grandchildren, they're so sweet looking and oh yes, very COOL! lol Take care dear Patsy! xox

dot said...

I just visited Pea's Corner and it was soooo cold there but she had some yummy peanutbutter balls in her nice warm kitchen.
Patsy I don't know any way to explain Mr. Linky. It's just a way to link up with other blogs.