Today is mother's birthday. It is cold again this morning. I am ready for spring.
I got 1 egg 2 days ago ,then I got 4 and yesterday I got 5 eggs! February is near and the chickens will start laying every day. The length of daylight in a day starts their laying.
My wound is putting out very little discharge and I have hopes it is going to heal.
It is 6:30 and the temp. is 17 degrees and falling. Tomorrow it is suppose to get down to 8 degrees.
My cousin Winnie has sent me a gift. Bumper stickers saying " HILLARY CLINTON FOR PRESIDENT " and a button to wear.I don't suppose "DOT" in Georgia will want one .LOL
The big thing on the news is Bill Clinton campaigning for Hillary and some of the big wigs telling him to shut up. I wish them luck, he isn't know as slick Willie in Arkansas for nothing. I read today they fear he will cause the black voters to stay home in the election. I think if the democrats nominate Obama they will lose the election. I thought they would win in a walk but now I have my doubts. If John Ewards would get the nomination I think they could win but with the black and women haters I am beginning to think they may lose. The news media wants Obama to get the nomination because they think it will be big news. I think the news will be Democrats lose again.
President Bush wants to send all tax payers a rebate of 800 dollars and has hinted he might be willing to send it to low income people like me who don't make enough to pay taxes if he sends me 800 dollars I may write in the name George Bush jr. on my ballot.
Hi Patsy,
I'm home again and wanted to come by to give you the greetings of the day and to see how you're doing. I'm happy that the wound seems to be healing more and more. It's been over a year now, hasn't it?
I'm pretty irritated about the sniping between the Clinton and Obama campaigns. It does feel to me like Obama is being double teamed. They say all things are fair in love and politics but I've never believed that!
take the money and run.
Take Janet's money.....you won't get any...I won't get any....Mike won't get any....Missy will....kris and Darrel probably will not....Bill will
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