I am still arguing with Fleta, Betty says I can't win but I don't necessary want to win just argue. The photo of my web page that I down loaded from Google says Google and Microsoft at the very top and the photo I got of the web of IE7 is a Microsoft photo of Ie7 from Microsoft down load. The difference is that with the Google I go to the Google page at once and with the Microsoft I would have to type in Google to get to Google. On the net I read that on the Microsoft page you can't have a default page. Fleta says you can but she couldn't even get her IE 7 to load from Microsoft down load. what does she know!
The reason I don't like the blue tab one in the post before which I had is it is slow but that might be because I have dial up and I am still in the dark ages. I could get Dsl but it would cost more and I need to save where I can.
Patsy, let me make an argument for DSL. Considering the time you spend on the computer and as much pleasure as you take in it, spending the extra amount seems like an investment in satisfaction. It would make your life brighter and happier to flit around the internet instead of plodding through the pages as one must do with dial-up. Also, you'd save time which you could spend, ta dah, on the Internet or doing other things you like to do (quilting, chickens, arguing with Fleta hah!)
You won't regret it if you do it. I just went up from dial-up to ATT's high speed a couple of years ago. I wouldn't be blogging today if I hadn't done it - it just wore to out to wait and wait. And I can just flit in for a recipe or knitting instructions or even a quick argument without taking an hour or so out of my day.
Annie...I don't think Patsy can get DSL where she lives....Sister FLeta can not.
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