Monday, January 28, 2008

Studing but not learning?

I have been searching the net about improvement and hints about how to fix problems on my home page, I also read Fleta's post about Google.
I have removed all add ons on my Google page and I also removed some of the things on my blog. I found in my search the more "stuff" you have on your blog side bar the longer it is in loading. Daughter is up and wants the computer so must go.
I am back and daughter had added all the stuff on my Google home page and so I removed them again.
The way I read all these hints is ,simplify, simplify! I am trying to do this. I am sure if you have DSL my blog probably loaded fast enough but I figure it slowed down dial up loads.
I am on a learning journey so no telling what I will do next. I may get in such a mess Fleta will have to make a trip to fix what I have did.
Wish me luck, Fleta is not pleasant when it comes to my mistakes.
The temp. is suppose to go to the 60's today but we have a north west wind that cuts like a knife and no sun.
Teddy kenndy is going to endorse Obama in a few minutes. I hope he is not endorsing the Democrats to defeat in November.


dot said...

Patsy, when I had dialup there were some blogs I hated going to because it took so long for them to load. I never had a problem with yours, sisters, or Annie's tho. Dsl is wonderful!

Galla Creek said...

Pat, it loaded in a snap!! Really!
even with DSL it was faster without all the extra stuff. And if we have seen the stuff once we really don't need it there allt he time.