went to feed and found the warm air. temp. is 37 degrees at this time. the chickens like the warm air. cold air is around the corner according to the forecaster. I have to go to the doctor tomorrow.7 eggs yesterday. Bet said she got 12.
Got 14 eggs today. My chickens were out of water...it is cold her almost sleeting. I feed my chickens laying pellets and whole corn. Daddy always fed whole corn and not chops so I do the same.
Got 14 eggs today. My chickens were out of water...it is cold her almost sleeting. I feed my chickens laying pellets and whole corn. Daddy always fed whole corn and not chops so I do the same.
You ladies are getting lots of eggs. I wonder what you will do with all of them
It has snowed in NW GA!
I never thought about that looking like snow until I read my first comment. It is definately SAND.
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