Incase you think all my chickens died, they haven't, we are having a hard time with Al Gore's global warming the last few days. I had used all my salt on the porch and janet got me a new Box yesterday. I have already begin again this morning spreading it on the steps to melt the ice. The temp. was only 30 degrees the last time I looked so we have no ice on the roads, just porches and trees.
I haven't looked yet but on the news last night it looked like south west Mo. was really geting hit hard.
It is suppose to hit us again friday. I hope the weather forecasters are wrong.
I spent 3 hours with the new computer last night down load up dates virus protection on Janet's new computer. She came home on her break and I was just about finished so I was able to show her how to log on and to use the thing.
I woke up after she came home and I heard her on the thing. I am on my old one this morning, need I say more.
My grandaughter has made a blog so she can talk to grandma. I am so proud of her.
George says the roads are clear, but I don't care. I am not going in. I have decided I am not driving on the ice. If it is icey Friday morning when I get up I am not going in then either. I am going for a walk instead of to work.
hi grandma i am happy to me here but i dont know what the hell i am doing this blog is hard to learn i will keep trying
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