Friday, February 08, 2008

Daughter of Hillary

David Shuster, A news anchor on MSNBC news said that Hillary has pimped out her daughter under the big tent because the girl had been making campaign calls for her mother.
I have thought MSNBC was bias for Obama but this going to far in fact it is disgusting.
MSNBC has suspended him but I believe he should be let go just like Don Imus was dismissed after his comments about the napped haired ladies.
Chelsea really wants to help people get to know Sen. Clinton the way she has, as both her mother and her inspiration. She's the only person in the world who can start a sentence about Hillary Clinton with 'my mom,' and that unique perspective is what makes her such a compelling and effective voice," said Philippe Reines, a Clinton aide who travels with Chelsea Clinton.
I guess Mr. Shuster thought the girl would just fold up and hide if he got nasty.
He should be so lucky.


Annie said...

Well, that was a smarmy comment. He's never been very interesting to me; hope I don't have to see him again.

Galla Creek said...

Chelsey may her Mother's heart but she has her Grandmother Clinton's frizzy hair...Even tho Old Mrs. Clinton's hair was black it looked just like Chelsey's. I notice now Chelsey has a chia? (spellign may be wrong) and her hair is stright.