Sunday, February 10, 2008

A History of Violence

The 2007 Nobel Literature Prize winner Doris Lessing has opined that the future for presidential candidate Barack Obama, should he win the United States Presidency in November, is not good.

Obama "would certainly not last long, a black man in the position of president. They would murder him." Lessing told the Swedish Dagens Nyheter Daily that was published Saturday.

"The best thing would be if they were to run together. Hillary is a very sharp lady. It might be calmer if she were to win, and not Obama," she said.

British Lessing is an admitted Clinton supporter.

"He would probably not last long, a black man in the position of president. They would kill him," Lessing said in the interview published Saturday.

She did not specify who she believed would kill Obama.

Lessing, 88, who won the Nobel Prize for literature last year, is known for her sharp statements.
Sometimes old people can say things that younger people do not dare. It is a sad fact that our country has a history of violence.


Linda@VS said...

There was a time when a black man would be beaten if he tried to learn to read. There was a time when black children were killed by a bomb because they wanted to get an education. There was a time when black soldiers fought and died for our country and couldn't sit at a lunch counter next to a white soldier in the American South. There was a time when people like Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice wouldn't have dreamed of attaining a high government office. Throughout history, some groups of people have used fear to keep other groups of people (blacks and women, to name two) from realizing their full potential.

Our young men and women who go into the service know they may have to put their lives on the line someday, as do our local firefighters and police officers. And what about the astronauts? What drove them to trust their lives to scientists and bureaucrats who wanted to explore outer space?

Danger exists, but nothing great is accomplished without those individuals who have courage, especially the courage to be first.

Annie said...

Violence does exist in our country, that's a surety, but so does hope. I am hopeful.