I have been thinking... watch out dangerous activity.
Peppers ghost has commented about the election and people voting for whats in it for me mentality to some extent everyone who votes has that mind set.
Peppers grip with the Democrats is they are going to raise taxes and he is like Joe the plumber he is tired of paying taxes.
pepper says that when the votes get to be 50% of nonpaying citizens they will decide all elections.
Let talk about taxes.... If your income is below a certain level or you dependents or deductions you pay no federal income taxes when you get your check. True but you do pay social security tax and medical care tax of course that is suppose to insure your old age... maybe.
Then you cash you check from that time forward you are paying taxes. buy you food pay tax. get your cigarettes pay tax, buy gas for your car, pay tax, you car is taxed when you put tags on it. pay you Internet provider, pay tax, buy cloths pay tax, buy your heating fuel pay tax. buy beer pay tax buy car pay tax. don't forget properly taxes.I almost forgot school taxes.
Everyone pays taxes some where down the line.
I guess the argument is some people get their money by with out working. This is true.
So if you don't pay taxes your are starving, naked, and home less.
everyone pays taxes unless they go with out the comforts of life.
I had wondered why McCain crowd had not latched on to the seeking reparations for slavery issue and how many of the black voters had this in mind when they went to the polls to cast a vote for Obama or how many of the voters were for Obama because he promised a 1000 dollar rebate on tax day?
My daughter was for Obama because he had promised rebate checks of 1000 dollars of course my daughter payed federal taxes of about 1800 dollars last April.
Perhaps pepper was for McCain because he promised to cut taxes for the upper income people.
perhaps we all had a dog in the hunt , the question will the dog get the coon or will he fake us out on a tree with no coon.
As for the ancestors who left bloody foot prints in the snow during the Revelation the thing they were fighting was "No taxation without representation" in the government.
Joe got called to the mat by an interviewer it was on Dem underground...Joe tried to say why are you comming after me I am just an ordinary little man go get Obama...The interviewer informed him since he was touring with Mccain and endorsing him he was no longer just an ordinary man...He asked him if he did owe back taxed and why didn't he have a liciens...I thought it was funny...I did not like ole Joe from the start...
I think the "McCain crowd" didn't latch onto the reparations issue because Obama is firmly opposed to reparations for slavery.
Exactly! This generation of blacks did not suffer slavery. They are owed nothing.
This generation of blacks didn't suffer slavery, that's true, and they are owed nothing for what people centuries ago endured.
However, today's blacks have inherited the legacy of slavery, which affects the average black citizen profoundly. That injustice, which results from deliberate choices made by our nation and which have benefited all Americans to this day, can't be so easily dismissed.
The Republican Party
Home of the super pious, God only speaks to them, and not Democrats, but Obama said "We worship an awesome God in the blue states."
Home of the patriotic. What makes them more patriotic than the Democrats? Apparently Johnson signing the Voting Rights Act in 1965 that allowed Blacks to vote, and turned the South Republican also made the party more patriotic.
Home of excessive morality. God knows abortion and same sex issues are the only moral issues. Republicans love sex, fat old white preachers preach about it all the time.
Home of the selfish, always worried only about themselves while they accumulate wealth and complain about taxes, all the while using the infrastructure of this great country while it falls into disrepair because they don't want to pay taxes to keep it up.
I often wish Republicans could be stripped of every service their taxes help to pay for while the rest of us who understand the importance of taxes could go on with our lives. Republicans would quickly begin to scream to get back into those services.
The party we only see from the back of their heads while they're looking back. We never see their faces because that would mean looking forward and we know they don't do that.
The party that has to have two things to survive, fear and an enemy. How else do you move people in blocks?
I read a lot this election about the Republican Party and I'm not one.
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