Tuesday, December 02, 2008


I have been reading on the net about Obama and his choices for his team.
First I see many are saying he is choosing many of the Clintonites...
Then I saw he was to far to the right..
No he is to far to the left...
He is going to rule as a centrist...
People are saying Obama needs to do something about the economy now....
Obama is The "gasp" the anti Christ....
Republicans say Obama didn't win the election... the Republicans lost.. WHAT?
Now we see it is Obama fault the economy is in the tank...
Obama didn't raise money on the net from the little people but from "BIG" donors...
Republicans leaders in the house and senate vow to help Obama rule the country...
Only if it is for the good of the country...
He is putting his "ENEMIES" in his cabinet...
He needs to do something about global warming...
The Negros are taking over...
All "WHITE" men will lose their jobs...
Hillary Clinton will not obey his orders...

Mr President hasn't been sworn is as president yet and all ready I see every thing that is wrong with the world is his fault according to the people in the know or think they know.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Yes, Patsy, Isn't it all so stupid? I have seen some of this stuff and it makes me sick. Just blame him for everything right off the bat. We should all give the man a chance. He has already shown more ambition and class than most incoming presidents in the past.