Wednesday, February 11, 2009

up side down world

The stimulus bill and tax cuts for the middle class . Trying to wade thro' the tax cut in the bill is like walking in mud up to your chin.

first there is a tax cut for the working class in the year of 2008 in the form of $500.00 dollars for the single tax payer and $1000.00 for those people who file joint tax for the year of 2008. This is in the form of a tax rebate check when you file your taxes this year. This is like the $600.00 rebate check that George Bush sent out last year.

Next there are tax cuts build into the bill for the year 2009 and 2010 which will be seen in the pay check of the workers each week starting as soon as the stimulus bill passes. The tax cut for 2009 and 2010 will add a small dollar amount to your weekly pay check. The powers that be hope people will spend this money and not save it. It is my opinion that the workers in this country save very little and the tax cut will probably go into the gas tank of their cars or at the grocery store for food. The plan is suppose to stop the failing economy and put people back to work.

Will this work? probably not but at least the tax payers will have some cash from the rebate checks to make them feel good for a few days until the money is gone.

Our world is turned up side down for most of my life I was told by the powers that be save some money for a rainy day and they are now saying don't save money spend your money and help the economy now.

There are things in this bill that is set aside for roads and bridge building that is suppose to put the unemployed back to work but the trouble with this the powers that be say it will take a year or so to get rolling so the workers tax cuts is a short term measure for a long time problem.

The thing I keep thinking about is the tax cuts are for 2008, 2009 and 2010 after that your taxes will go back up, how high is the question? The next question is will you have a job to pay your taxes or are we going to have a depression like what hit this country in the 30's? I guess the answer is eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.


Galla Creek said...

I may buy a new stimulate the auto industry. Just doing my small part.

Linda said...

This is a wonderful post. You've done the best job explaining this stimulus package of any I've read. I just gave up and threw up my hands. I agree, the world is turned upside down.