I have 5 setting hens and since I was gone 2 days and unable to get into the house for a third day the setting eggs was sort of a mystery to me . I went in this morning and gathered all the eggs and threw them away. I will start saving eggs today and set all the hens on the same day.
Maybe the weather will not be so wet in a few days and the house wont be so wet. It rained again last night . I got the chicken house covered with wood chips maybe it will be dryer in the house now.
Tomorrow is April fools day and the day on which grandpa Powell was born.
can you believe it ...you kept 6 hens and 5 are setting...what a mess
Grandpa was no April fool though!
I dread tomorrow...I will be April fooled all day.
Be aware that the Conficker Worm is supposed to hit tomorrow so take some time tonight to update all of your programs such as Anti-Virus, windows updates and any spyware programs.
Read about it here>http://www.wsbtv.com/news/19054421/detail.html
You can also Google it if you need more information.
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