Friday, April 10, 2009

big wind

We had a storm go over last evening. The electricity went out and I am sure some people were about blew away by the time Janet got home the electricity was back on and all was well here on the hill.

Sister wanted to know what kind of chicks I ordered, I have been studying the hatcheries for several years and this is what I have learned. The hatchery sells chicks to people on demand and some people order pullets like this, 2 Rhode island reds, 2 red sex links, 2 of another breed and so on and so forth. the hatchery has to set more than 2 eggs of any breed to get 2 pullets. I think they set at least 10 eggs of each breed to get the 2 pullets. the other pullets are extra and they sell them at a reduced rate so I ordered 25 assorted heavy brown egg layer and I will get at least 3 breeds. I did this so I would get my chicks this spring and not have to wait until fall since I should have place a order in January if I wanted them in May.

My chicks will be from the 9 heavy brown eggs breeds that is the most in demand probably but I could get some rare breeds also. We will see what I get. Hens are selling for 10 dollars each and people have gone chicken crazy.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

You and I don't need to talk about anyone being 'chicken crazy'!