Tuesday, April 14, 2009

bloggers and the bridge that is no longer passable

After I got my computer it wasn't long before I discovered blogging. at first it was blogger on AOL and I found this interesting to read about the lives of people from different walks of life. I read one from a woman who lived in Conn. and who like to take photos of the country side. another was a woman named Donna who lived in Mo. on a farm, she blogs now on blog spot and I read her blog about every day. There was a woman in Ga. who loves chickens and I still visit her often.

I decided I would like to try blogging after google offered the blog spot for free. People had to pay on AOL. I was sure my sisters would think I was crazy when they found out what I was doing but soon they were on blog spot also along with several other family members not the least of these is cousin Winnie who has a heart of gold.

soon I was reading about a woman in Georgia who called her self "dot" and her daughter blogged along with her. I still read these two blogs. During the resent political campaign I picked up on blogs about politics and enjoyed reading Betty from Harrison Ar.commenting on the pres identical race for awhile sister in Arizona was mixed up and thought she was our sister Betty until one day Helen decided this woman was too out spoken for our Betty. sisters read the blogs I read.

I read a blog titled contrary goddess for a year or so when she blogged about living on a farm in Tenn. now she blogs about horses and working at a horse stable so she is not visited by me as much. The gal on the New Mexico mountains writes about her horses and living a life with her cat and grey hounds. I still read her blog.Velvet lives in Louisiana and she held my interest but she doesn't blog as much as she did once upon a time. I suspect she has found a new love.

There is Mike in California who works at computers and says he is ready to give up ant time but he doesn't. Abe Lincoln has photos of wild birds some of the best I have every seen and last but not least of my Male blogger, yes this does seem more like a woman thing, the guy from Georgia who calls himself "PEPPER" who political view point is south of mine or maybe its north of mine. I enjoy reading what he has to say. He will spit in your eye.

There are newer blogger that I read, newer to me that is, Linda out west , Judy in Ky. and others some say they are over the hill and some say they under the hill. some of my bloggers have gone crazy, my opinion, and deleted their blogs and then returned to it.

Annie in Little rock was one of my favorites but she just quit cold turkey.

I told sister once reading blogs was like peeking in someones window at night and seeing how they lived and some times it like the bridge in this photo that got washed away while I wasn't watching and can't be traveled any longer.

To finish this , I like reading blogs of people who I will never meet but I get a glimpse of their lives. Tomorrow I will put you on to the blog "Field nigger" bet you can hardly wait.


Galla Creek said...

One woman called me a year ago about a subject we talked about...she said I read your sister's blog everyday and never say a word. I enjoy reading her feelings and ideas about the world around her and the world away from her...

Donna. W said...

You're absolutely right... reading blogs IS like peeking through a window!

You mentioned someone being outspoken: I consider you pretty outspoken. In a good way, of course. You are very up-front and honest.

You are lucky to live in the beautiful state of Arkansas. Cliff and I plan to ride our motorcycle down there before too long, and enjoy the winding roads.

Judy said...

Hi Patsy, I love blogging and love to read yours. You have some of the most interesting stories and I love your sense of humor and hearing all about your chickens and guineas. I am so glad you are my blogging friend!

Anonymous said...

I think I found your blog through Velvet's and I've loved reading about your life in Arkansas where I spent part of my childhood. Plus, I like chickens and you always have something smart and opinionated to say about what's going on in the world! I hope you don't ever stop blogging and I'm glad you still find my blog a place you want to visit. Carmon in the mountains in NM