Sunday, April 05, 2009

cutting grass

I got the lawn mower in and cleared the grass around the rose bushes. I have peony bushes growing behind the rose bushes. I didn't plan well when I planted the bushes. I think the peony bushes are going to bloom this year and I will have to walk down there to see them.

I got nary a egg yesterday that hasn't happen in years. I was wondering if I had a visit by a snake. That word "nary" was used here in the Ozarks when I was young but I haven't heard it in years.


Anonymous said...

I still use that word to this day. The first time I ever heard it was on the Andy Griffith show years ago. :-)

Galla Creek said...

I am getting a lot of eggs. This week i discovered the clever banties were laying on the eave of the chicken house. they had a bunch of eggs scatchered on the eave...I just broke them for the big red hens to eat. Now, i WILL have to check the eave each day for eggs.