Monday, April 13, 2009


Rained all day yesterday. no guineas eggs yet. I want them to start laying before turning them out. I might set some eggs if the bantams are in the mood when the guineas start laying.


Linda said...

Patsy, how to you "set eggs"? Will chickens sit on guinea eggs? I don't think I know enough about chicken sex education. Do you have a rooster? Have I shown my ignorance here?

Judy said...

Hi Patsy, I know a little about chickens because I grew up with them and also had them when we lived on the farm but I don't know anything about guineas. Are their eggs big like duck eggs or are they like chicken eggs. I have seen duck eggs and have eaten them, too. We had storms here again tonight. I am ready for this rain to stop!

Kelly said...

Guineas have a short laying season. Mine layed her eggs (all 23 of them) in June, and right after July 4th we had 23 keets! They only lay for a few months out of the year. Keep watching, they will start laying soon. :)