Saturday, April 11, 2009

Norton and easter egger hen

Yesterday I tried to install my antivirus and couldn't . Sister came up after work and zip it went right in for her. I couldn't see that she did anything different than I did. I think Norton is like the rest of us they are afraid of sister.

This hen is a Easter egger and lays eggs that have blue to shades of green. I would like to have some of these chickens. These chickens have beards and I have read that chicken mites flourish in the beards. I wouldn't like that.

We are suppose to have sun shine today, yesterday was dark and cool.


Galla Creek said...

I got chicken mites once in a chicken pen. They are a mess. I don't think I ever got completely rid of them, but a possum or coyote or something finally killed all my chickens that time...I think the mites were still in the house and pen. I tried 7 dust and all sorts of stuff. I vowed to never have chickens again unless I had a varmit proof pen. Mine has been good until this year. I guess it is about 10 years old and it has washed out at the bottom. I am working on it though.

Kelly said...

Mites are easy to control. You can use sevin dust, dusting their butt area, under the wings, and on the back of the neck. I learned you can use Frontline Spray on chickens though, and this method lasts longer and is much easier to administer, without all the mess. Spray a bit under each wing, on the back of the neck (under the feathers at the skin) and right below the tail (not on the oil gland) and you can be mite free for at least a couple of months. I also spray the pens with permethrin as mites can hide in the cracks and crevices of the wood and come out at night and get on the chickens.