My sister has the most grandchildren in our family and it is good that she does. She loves her grandchildren. She wants them near her all the time. Her granddaughter Kinsey flew in to Phoenix on the 24th to stay with her. Helen calls her "the girl" she is 10 and1/2 years old and Helen has done a good job spoiling her just like all the rest of her grandchildren.
Helen said if she wants to go home she would put her on a plane and send her home. I said are you kidding? why would she want to go home? she will eat out every day and have all the new cloths her heart desires! any way if you wonder where sister is she is with the girl.
Helen's grandchildren will have stories to tell about grandma See when they are old.
She has this red headed grandson named Austin, he is 5 years old going on 100.
This is what happened at her house last week.
Helen is a cleaning freak. She has a problem in passing out with no warning, twice she has been up on her furniture cleaning her 12 foot ceiling and fell hurting her self . You would think that would be enough to stop her from climbing on furniture but not so.
On this day she decided she needed to clean the ceiling fan Austin was there and she told him we are going to clean that fan and sometime grandma falls asleep when she climbs on chairs so if I fall down and don't get up your job is to take this phone and call 911 if grandma falls.
Austin is ready his fingers are poised above the Numbers on the phone and grandma climbs on the chair. He stand ready to do his job . When sister finishes the cleaning she climbs down and said OK, Austin you can go put the phone back on the wall.
Austin said you mean I don't get to call 911? Helen says no not today maybe tomorrow. in a 5 year old hope blooms eternal.
What a cute story! I sure hope he never has to make that call though. Carmon
I am glad he did not have to call.
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