In the home where I grew up just over the fence going to the pond there used to be a weed we called stinging nettles.
Many of times I have found myself walking thro' the patch and if I was bare foot which I usually was I would have red bumps and rash on my feet and ankles.
I found on the net where people eat this weed but I never would because I remember how bad my feet burned when I came into contact with this weed.
I don't know if it still grows on the land where I grew up but it probably does.
The weed wasn't very tall and if you had shoes on your feet you didn't have a problem but in my childhood I usually went bare foot in the summer time and I had to remember to go around the nettles or suffer the pain of their sting.
Oh, I do remember this weed. I remember it in the field out from the front yard toward Dan Norton's house. It was hard not to claw it and bring blood once you got in it.
Well, there aint no stinging nettle there tonight because Kenneth Terherst cut and bailed hay off that field this week. He got over 500 bales and George sold his share of 100 bales. But, someones cows or horses may have a stinging belly when they eat it.
That may or may not be what I call itchweed. I rode my horse through a patch of it yesterday, and he spent 10 minutes stopping and chewing at his front legs, trying to scratch them.
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