Saturday, January 23, 2010

the head lines in the news

The weather is damp but not cold. There is a town 100 miles from sister in Arizona that has floods that is a paradox, a desert town that is flooded.

I read in the head lines that Paul Harvey the voice of the rest of the story was in cahoots with J. Edgar Hoover back in the day when Hoover had the respect of the man on the street.

Somebody in Georgia wants to start a basketball league for whites only. Isn't that still against the law?

A fellow operated on his dog and gave it to much chloroform and it died now they want to send him to prison for 20 years.

Wouldn't you know that they kicked off the census count in Palin's state, sound like a Republicans dirty trick to me, why not Hawaii?

Drudge report has the head line "white house nightmare persists" course the nightmare for many is the fact the head nigger is still in office! They can refuse to do what he wants done but they are still stuck with him 3 more years! yea!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Go Patsy, I'm with you all the way.