Wednesday, February 10, 2010

good job if you can get it

this is a story about the city of green forest and their hiring policy. I had noticed all winter that my water bill was holding steady at $36 every month which was what it was running last summer. I use more water in the summer so I knew something was not kosher and this month my bill was $16.
Seems that the fellow who has been our meter reader for years got a DWI and lost his job. Then along came this lady, a girl friend of some gentleman on the city council. She needed a job and they hired her. The gentleman began to try to get her a raise in pay right from the get go. Then it came to the attention of certain people that the lady wasn't reading some of the meters she was estimated the bill, this worked so well she started estimated every month and didn't read any meters.
That was when her trouble started seems there is a man related to our family that raises turkeys on several different farms since with the cut backs in the economy Mr. Powell didn't put turkeys on a certain farm. Low and behold here comes his water bill $5ooo dollars for a month! that was his average for several months so the meter reader had just keep up the reading at that average.needless to say Mr. Powell squealed like a stuck hog and Mrs Meter reader was called to account for the problem. She still has her job but may see hard times ahead.
The city has to go around to some of the meters and adjust them, seems some of the reading were higher than the meter would go.


Cheryl said...

She also lied on her job application.

Galla Creek said...

Well, I hope your bill falls off a little now. The sun was bright here today, but it was still very cold. Most of the snow is still on the fields.