Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lee Wise, our neighbor

My old neighbor pulls grass around the fence rows where Sammy didn't get close enough to suit him so he is bringing a wheel borrow full of grass for my chickens. The hens love the grass, they can scratch all day.
Lee is my example of old age, I think he is 86 years old and he works in his yard every day either he junks out scrap copper and steel or he crawls around and pulls grass and I mean all day.
My knees are sore and stiff and I have trouble getting around but I see him going down on his knees he start to kneel and then he just falls so I tell my self if he can do that I can do a little in the yard and not set on the computer all the time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Patsy! Yes! My onions are doing great. I have lots of flower seeds to send you if I can ever get myself organized enough to remember to take them to the post office... ;) Carmon