Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Poor man's food


sour dock

lamb's quarter

poke weed
Poor man's food, spring times delight

Go into the yard and fence rows gathering these weeds, put them in a pot bring the water to a hard boil, pour off the water,take a skillet put in a goodly amount of bacon grease cast the greens among the pig fat cook until the weeds turn to a green, gray color.
Bake a pan of corn bread, not jiffy mix corn bread! eat until you are ready to burst .


Sister--Helen said...

Brother Clayton will be out gathering this stuff and putting it in the freezer

Anonymous said...

Hi Patsy, I remember one time when my girl's father brought home a pickup truck bed loaded with poke greens for me to cook! You are so right. Don't make cornbread with jiffy mix! This does make for some good eatin!

Sister--Helen said...

well I was right there with you till you hit the jiffy I do not know what to do