Sunday, April 25, 2010


the chickens I ordered from cackle are suppose to lay eggs that are a deep chocolate color as for looks they look a lot like the brown leghorn only plumper.
I had to kill the one the others had picked at it's eyes were swollen shut and it couldn't see to eat or drink and I think if you have a chick that is in poor health you should cull it before it makes the others sick.
You are supposed to be able to sex these chicks by their eye markings if this is true I have 7 pullets and 2 roosters and the one I killed was a pullet. I ordered st right run so if I get 7 pullets out of 10 cackle did well by me.
We had a lot of rain ,I hope it is over for a time.


Galla Creek said...

Those are beautiful eggs.

Sister--Helen said...

This might be like counting your chickens before they hatch

Sister--Helen said...

I am watering my yard again this morning...