Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Posted on Democrate underground

Saw this posted on the Democrat underground and thought what a good post!

This forum, like America, can at times be a pretty tough place. We're all in this together. (And obviously, I'm not referring to the jackasses who “visit” to disrupt.) We have a core group of progressives. There are many good liberals. And, in recent times, there's a growing number of moderate-to-conservative registered democrats here. As a result, there are areas where we are going to agree – Dick Cheney was bad – and areas where we disagree. Frequently, from what I see going on, there is an attempt by those who are moderate-to-conservative to take the stance that not only are they correct, but only they are correct. I'm sure that they see things differently. And that's okay.What's not okay, however, is the growing attempts to discredit and marginalize the democratic left. We are not “whack jobs” nor any of the other insulting names that are too often used by establishment democrats and others to describe us. We are, rather, Malcolm X Democrats, Martin Luther King Democrats, and Vine Deloria Democrats, among other good things. Our time, money and votes are good enough come election season. Our dollars aren't kept in separate accounts, our time spent at campaign headquarters has as many minutes per hour as any one's, and our votes aren't tallied on separate ballot boxes. Establishment democrats need to respect that, and to respect our humanity.Thanks,H2O Man
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