Sunday, October 17, 2010

where has she gone?

Where o' where did Jo
she must be fishn'
Do you suppose
she gone huntin'
perhaps for a possum
to make from his pouch
a pair of mittens
for her kittens?
where o' where is
our Winnie Jo?


Galla Creek said...

I love it.

Anonymous said...

You're a poet and just don't know it,
But your feet sure show it, Longfellow...

I just remembered this little ditty from my childhood. I do not know where this came from origionally. I may liik that up on the net...

I guess it's kind of like our missing Winnie Jo..

Unknown said...

we just got home this afternoon (Sun) takes us longer now that we are older to close the camper for time to even fish, but did go to park cook out and I won one free month of park camping...I'll use it in Dec. Yippee...Skippee
We don't have computer service at the camper