Monday, December 13, 2010

christmas present

Kelly brought me a digital picture frame yesterday for Christmas, here he is trying to get to work. You can plug your camera's card into this and it will display your photos. He couldn't get it to work but after he went home it was made to work by my daughter.
Truth be told why would you want one if you have a computer of course Kelly has never really took to his computer like I have he fails to turn his on sometimes for weeks so I guess he likes this better. One more gadget to burn up electricity.
I told Kelly I deleted the photos on my card after I down loaded them to the computer he say , why? I guess he has all the photos he has took since he got his camera. I suppose he will go buy a new card when the one is full.
We hit a low of 10 degrees here . The poultry were ready for the hot water this morning. I am ready for spring.


Margie's Musings said...

My son wanted one of those. I would like to have been able to give him one.

They are nice.

Galla Creek said...

I delete the photos from the card after moving the pictures to the computer. I store the photos my months in dec2010..I put the folder on a external hard drive after getting about 5 folders. Mostly I have dog pictures. There are 1000s of Feist dog photos at the Galla Feist site and sometimes I need a picture. I can always go back into the folders and find one to use.

I had no idea folks left the pictures on the card. But I bet there are lots that do that.

Can't wait to see the pictures you take.