Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy valentine day

47 degrees here . it is 5:10 on 14th of February. Valentine day and Tony Poor's wedding anniversary.
Yesterday was so warm in the house I was uncomfortable in the evening hours. Needless to say the snow is but a memory.


Margie's Musings said...

Don't complain! It's great!

Judy said...

It was in the 50s here yesterday and supposed to be that way most of the week. I love it except my allergies are already acting up. That always comes with spring for me. That red sky in the photo is so pretty. Have a Happy Valentine's Day!

Galla Creek said...

It is only 31 here, but got up in the 60s yesterday. I think it will today too.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Donna. W said...

We still have snow, but it's fading fast.

Balisha said...

I'm looking for anything green in my yard. We still have a ton of snow. Happy Valentine's Day to you.