The two photos are before and after .There was a lot of tall dead grass there and I burnt it off last week. Our neighbor hauled the big rocks in last fall and put them on the edge so no one would drive over the flower bed.
Everything I read says the guineas will not bother the plants. We shall see.
77 for a high today is the promise with a sleight chance of rain.
you have not take picture of the bull or whatever it is out by the road...let us see it..
Well, it looks like you have one job done so far. I'm thinking of planting veggies instead of flowers in one of my beds too. Balisha
Warning: guineas peck at tomatoes just like chickens do. This never bothered me, but one time an old neighbor called to complain, so we killed my 3 or 4 guineas and I actually canned the meat.
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