Helen said these chickens were ugly. I think they are cute. We will get rain today I think.
Fleta and George went down in Dan Norton's Field and cleaned the briars from a old grave yard.
I spent yesterday morning installing antivirus protection on my computer. I bought what I thought was antivirus dish a month ago and installed it yesterday then I discovered what I had bought was a Norton Utilities disk so I had to get Janet up a 8 O'clock to go to walmarts to buy another disk. I always have had trouble installing the anti virus disk and yesterday was no exception. I called Fleta for help and she was down in the grave yard so after several attempts I finally was successful.
Helen called last night she was baby setting Bill's children. I can't understand her attraction to grandchildren.
The clocks had to be set this morning again. The time changed last night again. we are near to spring now!
I let my chickens out yesterday. They loved the scratching for something to eat.
I got a card from Jonell. She said Casey's baby would be here in Sept.
Jonell checks our blogs when she goes to the sr. center.
Can you believe the snow is starting fall...72 yesterday and now we are due 2 " in the morning.
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