Tuesday, December 13, 2011


No inter net this morning from 4 to 8. about drove me crazy. ;;
I got my Christmas lights up while I waited for the Internet.
I went to town and bought a few groceries.
I have down loaded several books to read.
I got a book wrote by a pat Conroy. They described him as a great writer but he wasn't known by me so I took a look at his books and found he wrote the prince of tides. that was a good book.
The title of the book is "my losing season". he was a basketball player in high school and he is a good writer. If you want to read some non fiction you might take a chance on this book

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your way of stringing lights...that is how mine would look if I had any. I do not have any...and really don't want any.

I have heard of Pat Convoy but have never read his book.