Thursday, February 23, 2012

water tank and children

Janet and Sissy Berrell and Richie I guess. I am not sure about the boy setting on our old water tank.
In those long gone days we hauled our water in the tank and all children who visited thought this was really great. I had to watch or they would turn on the spout and drain all the water on the ground.
Lutricia is not going to have a funeral for Henry. They are cremating him and no funeral. I think this is a good idea. funerals are so hard on the family.


Anonymous said...

I don't miss hauling water.

Unknown said...

One benefit of cremation is that it is more economical than burying. That tank seems to be memorable. Well, kids love to play in places like that. It's evident in their smiles.

[Richelle Loughney]