Wednesday, November 21, 2012

posting and deleting

I have a sister, no make that two sisters that post and then delete their post. Then way I read out blogs I go to Fleta's blog and look to see who has a new post . often Helen will show up with a new post and I rush over to read what she has to say. This happen today again. When I get there it has been deleted. Why post if you are going to delete? so all day I am left wondering what did she say? Some times Betty does this to tho' not as often. Me and Fleta post and let the devil take the hind most.
I made pies today , pumpkin was all I made. I am cooking a small fryer and a small pan of stove top dressing, Sam has been calling everyone and inviting them over. I am thinking had far does he think one fryer will go?
Has Laura made it back from NY? she didn't ask me but I thought she made a mistake going where all the floods had happened. I have expected to hear they are all killing each other any time and my red hair girl goes there???? I told Fleta and she said they didn't have floods where Laura went. really? have you Looked at a map? the whole state isn't as large as my thumb.
Today in NJ the mayor was making a speech and the crowd got mad and rushed the stage. The cops had to mace the crowd. The truth is murder and mayhem is just below the service in all of us and when some thing like this happens the people go nuts.


Sister--Helen said...

oh trust me Patsy...there is a purpose....

Sunshine said...

We made it back safe and sound. Manhattan was not flooded and we did not leave that area. It was Ingrid's dream not mine and I thought I better take her before it is wiped from the earth.

Galla Creek said...

I only delete a post when I get to thinking I might hurt someone's feelings. Sometimes I write something thinking it is so funny...then I get to thinking someone might get hurt feelings and I delete or go change what I wrote. I thought the Mt. St. Helen thing was so funny then I got to thinking that Helen might not think it was funny, and she might think I was a butt I removed most of it.

So when you see I deleted something it is because I get to thinking that i am just a smart aleck!

Now, that I am older...and not as old as you...I don't want to hurt anyone with my tongue. I have a sharp tongue and you can read about that in James in the Bible...

Love you all!

Donna. W said...

People I follow on Google Reader can delete a post, but I can still read it on Google reader.