Wednesday, December 19, 2012

my address p.o. box 822 G.F .AR . 72638

ABC News' Sam Donaldson was arrested for a DUI earlier in December, TMZ reported Wednesday. Police said that Donaldson failed a sobriety test after they pulled him over in Lewes, Delaware. He was brought to a local police station where he was booked and eventually released. Law enforcement noted that he was very cooperative throughout the experience. Donaldson will have to appear in court in Delaware to address the charges. Cards and gifts are wanted but money is best.


Galla Creek said...

You are a hoot! Maybe you will get a random act of kindness. It would be a good deed for sure as you are a very old lady--75 this next birthday and could always use help with that HUGE butane bill to keep the house warm.

Galla Creek said...

Sister, can't believe you have not commented on Mitt getting man of the year--1912~!