Thursday, April 06, 2006



Linda@VS said...

Pretty quilts, Patsy. I'm glad you felt like posting today.

Cheryl said...

I will take a quilt someday.

Favotite daughter of sister#1 said...

Maybe you can make Robert a quilt. Someone stole the last one you made him.

Favotite daughter of sister#1 said...

mom was just on the computer so whatever was wrotw was her talking not mine I told her thet she was going to get me in trouble....That is a beautiful little pup you got there is it a chawawa or something like that?

patsy said...

She said you didn't get the quilt that i made you, you are not in trouble she is!

patsy said...

it somethink like that mixed breed small dog.

patsy said...

Cherly i will start you a quilt when it gets hot because i can't spend time out side when it gets hot weather, i will make you a paper piece quilt.

Erin said...

do i have to start having children to receive quilts from my dear aunts??

Sister--Fleta said...

I think you are in the quilt business now. Wait till your other 25 nieces find out your are making niece quilts.