Sunday, April 02, 2006

chicken delight

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Sister--Helen said...

Well Pat nice sister is not going to argue with you, first sister is so far gone she has to post her picture on her comments to know who she is, the nieces are not going to argue with you because of that respect your elders thing, and I am not going to argue with you because no matter what I think or say the Mexicans are here and will be here no matter what I or anything else thinks! Even though we have the Minute Men shooting them at the border some will still get in.

Galla Creek said...

Where did you get the pictures
of the chickens. Those are not
your chickens? Are they?

Galla Creek said...

Well, I was just posting
that old sister to see if
my picture is there. Yes,
it is. Now I will know
who I am too...just like
smart alek sister.

Sister--Helen said...

Pat I am seeing if my picture posts with this.

Sister--Fleta said...

Patsy, quit putting things up and taking them down. After you post, go lie in the ditch for an hour. Don't be erasing things. It confuses the old woman.

Favotite daughter of sister#1 said...

Hi aunt Patsy you havent posted today are you ok?