Della Powell, Milton Powell Jess Powell,Tee Powell and Clara Powell from left to right In front of the school that they attended in MO.
My great aunts Tee and Clara lived in California in their old age, after Aunt Clara's husband died she went to California to live with her sister Matilda "TEE"
Barnes. Aunt Tee's husband was a drunkard and she divorced him. Neither woman had very much money but Aunt Tee had a home and since Aunt Clara never had children they made a home together.
The ladies would set with the sick to make some money and did other jobs like cleaning houses to survive.
There came a time when they were hired by a man who was ill, the ladies took turns caring for this man's needs.
I don't remember his name, I know we have the name of this gentleman in our records but he was known in our family as "that rich man Aunt Clara married".
He had no relatives neither off springs or siblings and he suggest that one of the ladies married him and the sisters Were to care for him until his death, there by the sister who married him would inherit his money.
Either sister would do and the decision was up to our aunts as to which would married the rich man.
Aunt Tee And Aunt Clara talked it over and decided that Aunt Clara would be the bride because she had never had children and Aunt Tee had children that might object to their mother marrying again.
Aunt Clara and the rich fellow married and the sisters took up his care and was faithful to their nursing job.
he died and the sisters inherited his money which they lived on very well.
I really don't know how much wealth he had but it must have been a great deal Aunt Clara died in 1974 aunt Tee got 1/8 of Clara's money and the rest was divided between her nieces and nephews since all other sibling were all gone.I know there were more than 30 people who divided the money Aunt Clara had. My father got 1000 dollars so you can see that Aunt Clara was very wealthy but remember the sisters had divided the money when the rich man died.so Aunt Clara's was only 1/2 of his estate.
My Great Aunts were very smart ladies.

Its nice when you hear that some people get a bit of luck - especially later in life.
Old Sister...I do know that Clara married an Indian as her second husband...his last name was
Bushyhead. Don't laugh that is a well know Indian name and many of
them were preacher--Baptist ones.
The Bushyhead's were Cherokee!
Now, I wonder if I know this or not
Patsy...I am not sure. why would I think it...I looked in my file and it says nothing of it.
Clara married Joe Noble. She died in 1974 and is burried Nowata Oklahoma where Dick and Betty are burried, at least same town, I am not sure it is the same cemetery.
Well, Clara, Dick, Betty, Myrtle and Della are all burried in this cemetery. Clara's husband is Joel B. Nobles and he died in 1943. It says she died in Santa Paula. Guess she was like Betty Lou and did not want to stay in CA.
This would seem to be Clara on the SSDI even if the dates do not exactly match.
Birth Date: 20 Sep 1897
Death Date: Jul 1972
Social Security Number: 569-32-9271
State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: California
Death Residence Localities
ZIP Code: 93060
Localities: Santa Paula, Ventura, California
she died in california true but they shipped her Ok. now she did married the 2nd time and the man died like i said the family said that rich man aunt clara married. you had a picture at one time in with her and 2nd. husband, you have forgot! to st. sister
Fleta we went out to see Aunt Tee at one time didn't we.. I think we did and visited with her Daughter also...I think we had pictures why don't you post one of them....
Where in the world would I have got that story. Who would have told me that. I just know she married again and he was an Indian...but I don't know how to
find out about it. She went back to
her other name after he died I guess. I am sure she married a second time. I am also sure he was an Indian...but I am also sure I don't know how I know this...teehee..
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