Monday, June 18, 2007

7 Weeks old today

I had to go in and put up a pole for a roost the chickens are wanting to get on something to roost and they are bending down my panels that I put into the pen to keep the cat from having breakfast.
Son brought me 2 bales of hay and I am throwing in into the pen so they have a little floor covering. I don't have to spread the hay. I just throw it in and they start to work on it and in two hours it will be all over the pen.
I don't know how many Rhode Island pullets I have but I hope I have 3 or 4. I have 3 nice white pekin roosters and 4 white pekin pullets. I am not going to kill my white roosters just in case I lose or have to destroy my fighting rooster, "Old Churchill" is a mean rooster. He tries to run me out of the pen every time I go in. I took the clippers we use to trim our dog's toenails and cut his spurs off . I only cut the end off course I was afraid I would do damage. They bleed and I had not expected that. If he keeps fighting I may cut his spurs off right behind his ears.
We had a little shower just before daylight. I dug the rest of my one row garden and I had hard time I cut the grass and then tried to use a shovel to turn it over but it was so full of grass root I couldn't do much. I needed something sharp, then I went and got my ax and ever few inches I chopped into the ground with the dull bit. That worked and then I broke it up with a shovel and planted dill seed, collards greens and black eyed peas. I don't think I will like to eat the collard greens but I might. The reason I did this was to stop all that grass in the row. It looks bad growing up so high. I know I wont even harvest the peas but I thought that would vine and look better than the grass.
I have 16 baby chickens in the other pen with 2 hen. One is a black Japanese bantam and the other is my buff pekin. I have two full blooded Japanese bantams , One black and one black and white speckled. They are the best mothers and are willing to take chicks that they don't hatch.
The pekins are suppose to be good mother and the 2 I have have been a disappointment. These chicks were hatched 6/15/ 2007.


Anonymous said...

I am glad they are 7 weeks old today I sell 2 houses of mine today and the rest tomorrow. I am ready they are so big and crowded that you can hardly walk thru them I will go and take a photo of mine before they catch them.


Anonymous said...

Glad you are out and working. It seems you are getting alot done.
Sis 3