Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Daddy's purple martin house

Daddy had two purple martin house and every time I see one I think of him.
Sister posted a photo of her husbands purple martin box and it was a really good photo, heavy clouds and wild geese flying over head.
When daddy died I ask Fleta if I could have one of dad's martin box and she let me have one. When I moved here I had my son bring it from my home in Mo. it is not on a tall pole and I never have martins in it but never the less when the black birds move in I can think of daddy.


Galla Creek said...

Larry now has 3. He thinks the Marins eat misquitos but I read that really they do not.

Martins are in his houses. They come in March or April and will stay with us until almost Sept.

They are neat to watch whether or not they eat the bad bugs.

Galla Creek said...

I am saving saw dust to feed my new chicks...wonder about the eggs...hope they do not have splinters in them.