Friday, June 22, 2007

One morning glory blooming

I made a count of my chicks this morning.
I have 26 adult birds, at least 20 7 week old chicks and 40 that my hens have hatched. That is 86 birds on chicken ridge today and one morning glory bloom.


Galla Creek said...

With the 20 you gave me, I have about 40. I am taking more to the meadow...the old hawk has eaten the others mostly...that I left over there. They love it running around eating bugs...before the red hawk swopes down and has his dinner...but this is better than chopping off heads of old hens. I am going to take my solid black bantie hen over there. She is always setting. i am tired of her. She must be kin to those chickens that lay 7 eggs and go broody.

Sister--Helen said...

Pat I just sent you an Email

Sister--Helen said...

I see the old mean white rooster is still alive

Galla Creek said...

Fleta said to tell you George was having a fit to go home. His heart rate still shoots up if he moves around and he will have to stay tonight. Fleta is coming to my house tonight...probably late adn leave early.

His bpressure is 105 over 61...pretty good. His heart rate is a little over 100. If he does anything it goes higher. Erin said this happening is normal and it will probably settle back down.

Fleta is going to try to call you, but if she does not get you she is going back to his room and will not try from his room. But she wanted you to know she is going to try to get you on the phone.

Fleta is doing fine...not worried or anything. She likes the VA hospital. It is run old fashioned. Lots of Drs there and it is a surgery hosp. I think anytime G has to be in the hosp. the VA is where he should go. The one in Lr is 5 or 6 stories and a big one. A lot of the guys had come there from MO. and other States as it is a big VA Hosp. that specializes in Surgerys and more extensive care.

Sis 3

Unknown said...

Don't they look splendid in the sunshine