Thursday, June 21, 2007

Son's photos

I have told you my son has chickens, here they are. It is a long distance but I can see the 3 silkies roosters he bought for 9 dollars each thinking they were hens. He has made a garden this year for the first time and I think he is hooked on a garden.
My 2n son has made a garden for years and younger son enjoys a garden, Now if my daughter would get interested. oh well, forget that.
Son wanted you to see his view looking south from his house. . I think these are the Rudd mountains. They are very nice to see.
When I went to feed I had 2 chicks under a hen in the house and I put them into the pen with the blue hen and now she has 7 chicks. I took the allotment lady's advise and went in the house yesterday and cleaned out all the setting hens except this one and threw the eggs away. I moved the hens to the other pen to break them up. All the hen were laying in the nest and I couldn't get any eggs because I didn't know what was fresh and what had chicks in them. I gathered 10 eggs last night and I am not going to let any more hens set this year.
The hen that hatch 2 this morning Will be left until dark, if she has any more babies I can give them to the blue hen. Tonight I will put that hen in another pen and say , No more girls!

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Poor Boy is a poor farmer for sure.