Thursday, July 12, 2007


When I walk out on the porch in the morning I hear the neighbor below me rooster crowing and the one above my house starts then my two roosters start singing.
Today one of my 2 month old chicks sang out in a muffled voice learning his song. I thought there is the promise of a new generation of chicks. That is a good feeling to know that we have a promise of a new generation tomorrow.
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Carole Burant said...

I think I would rather hear roosters in the morning than the stupid crows that keep waking me up! lol Oh Patsy, I so love your flowers and Fleta's pup is just adorable! As for that spider web...just keep the spider away from me!!!! lol xox

Galla Creek said...

I think crowing is celebrating having another day to enjoy or be in misery. It is our choice.

Annie said...

A new generation? I bet you'll be having many new generations of these roosters and hens and I hope you greet each with the same level of pleasure.