Thursday, September 06, 2007

bad hair day


I have to go to the doctor today, it is a 1 and 1/2 hour trip each way. brother Clayton is going to take me. i really hate to go and hate for him to have to take me. i told my son i know i will enjoy being with brother, he has always been a joy to be around and i know i will be laughing for the rest of my life about the things that he says but i still don't want to go .I HATE DOCTORS!
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Annie said...

All my best wishes will be with you Patsy, going there, being there and coming back home again. While you are there at your doctors, my husband and I will be at the hospital where his doctors will be poking and prodding him. He might say the same thing today that you did!

Erin said...

i hate doctors too. most of them are assholes.