Friday, September 07, 2007

earth quake

Earthquake Shakes Up Harrison, Arkansas

Friday, Sep 7, 2007 @10:52am CST

Scientists report a magnitude 3.1 earthquake struck two miles east of Harrison, Arkansas at 5:40 a.m. today.

The temblor was located just a half a kilometer beneath the surface by the New Madrid Seismic Network.

There were no immediate reports of damage or injury.

See details from the Seismic Network here.


Erin said...


Betty said...

I never felt a thing. I can sleep through anything, I guess. A 3.1 seems pretty strong, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

That's a bit of a shake up! Screw down your furniture!

Annie said...

I have been so out of touch with the news today. I have family here with me so I've been in the kitchen and dining room and on the streets most all day long. Gee, I hope this isn't just a precursor to the big one that we have been warned about for years now.

Galla Creek said...

When Doublehead came to Ar...we had the big one...was it about 1810. Well, he went on down to Tx after that...said it was a omen of a bad land...Harrison, Ar?