Thursday, September 06, 2007

I escaped

I got back home and i have to go again next week. I enjoyed brother. and the doctor part was not to bad. I got more pills and I need a nap brother said he was going to take a nap also.
brother is a joy to be around. everyone should have a brother like mine.


Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better Patsy - been thinking of you.

Yes, it must be wonderful to have a brother - and to have such a caring one is a bonus indeed.

Anonymous said...

Glad clayton took you over to the Dr. Hope it will be cleared up soon.sis 3

Carole Burant said...

I have 4 brothers and I'm very lucky that they are all caring like your brother:-) Hope you heal real soon!! xox

Sister--Helen said...

Pea our brother Clayton is very smart...he has more 'people smarts' than anyone I know.....He can figure out and tell someone exactly what they want to hear better than any of us girls.