it is 3:30 in the morning and you might say I am a early riser butI went to bed at 5 last night so I guess I can't pass my self off as very early.
Thought you might like to see the Mexicans emus again.
I can not imagine what he is going to do with these birds but it is my belief that they butcher their animals, in fact they had a Shelton pony for about 6 weeks one time and it disappeared. I think it probably became toco meat. In fact it could have been in some of the tocos I bought at work.
if you think I am making fun of my neighbor, forget it, I think they are very smart and have better food than I do.
You ought to have been looking out my window with me about a year ago. He had acquired a heard of goats and these goats were not pets , they were wild.His fence on the lower side had a few weak places and the goats found them very fast.
We had a goat rodeo, they had cars and trucks down there chasing the goats. I thought ,you will never get those wild animal in but he did and I guess he fixed the fence because they never got out again. At this time they only have a couple left.
Toco meat I am sure has been their fate. you will notice behind the emus he has a gaggle of geese. That word gaggle is correct and I have wanted to find a use for it for awhile now.
I only have one wish about his animals , I wish they would take up eating dogs, like I have heard some of the asian people do. We would not have so many dogs on this ridge.
Goat is good. Tastes about like a deer. Emu sounds yellow meated.
what do you think?
You are the "early to bed and early to rise" star of the day, Patsy.
Life is good here in Little Rock where I slept a good sleep with the windows open and a blanket on the bed.
I grew up eating goat meat, and drinking goat milk. But I have yet to taste pony or emu.
Lately my taco "meat" has been soy crumbles. Maybe there's a lesson here than anything can be taco meat.
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